Filing Day Press Conference

Parker Cains Files for Charlotte City Council Candidacy

Filing day was an interesting experience for me. Our campaign had no intention of filing on the first day for our Charlotte City Council race. I wanted to bring our team and my wife so that we could appreciate the task at hand. We felt no need to celebrate yet or make this campaign about me. Why I am running, and why our team is so strong, is because of our conviction to do good in the community. It is not about us.

However our plans changed last minute. Leadership in the party had an incredible idea to do a press conference and show the city how united we have become as candidates. We believe that we can win our seats. We can drive positive change in our community, and continue to make our community safer.

In addition we sported green and black ribbons. Our statement that we are aware of the increase in violent crime in our beautiful city. We intend to reverse this trend, so expect to see more on that.

Walt Kelley